Polish priests in Bydgoszcz, Poland, September, 1939
Rounded up to be shot. See here |
steals your soul. To watch TV, you don't have to bathe or dress or leave your
house. Studies link extensive TV watching to depression, obesity, loneliness,
social isolation, and academic failure. It astounds me that people pay money to
watch advertisements.
don't have a TV and have not had one for most of my life.
keep hearing, though, that we are living through a second Golden Age of
television. Critics say that the best TV shows, including The Sopranos and Mad Men, are
better than what can be seen in movie theaters.
The Sopranos' sex, violence, and glamorization of the
Mafia disgusted me. Watching fat Italians splatter-murder each other in front
of naked strippers with artificial breasts and then breaking to gorge on capocolla
was not enhancing my life; I live in New Jersey; I can watch that for free. Mad Men was way too cool and stylized
for me. I can get my fix from Jon Hamm's insane physical beauty by looking at a
still photo – I must confess that I didn't get much more of a rush from
watching him act.
recently visited a home with TV and decided to check in on the latest iteration
of the glam Nazi: The Man in the High
Castle. We know that power is attractive, and we know that Nazis deployed
expert marketers and design teams, from Goebbels to Leni Riefenstahl to Hugo
Boss. That combo have made the Nazis fav film fare ever since. After Otto
charitably tutored me in how to operate the new-fangled TV interface, I tapped
into The Man in the High Castle, thinking
I'd give it ten minutes of my time, and only as an author interested in how pop
culture packages Nazism.
To my
surprise, I quickly became addicted. I
had planned on going to see movies during the holiday season. Now is when the
awards-magnet films, like La La Land and
Manchester by the Sea, are released.
Instead I became that dreaded creature, a couch potato in sweat pants, my butt
glued to a well-worn crater in the upholstery in front of the boob tube.
The Man in the High Castle is inspired by a 1962 Philip K. Dick
novel of the same name, but it departs from the book significantly. In the
Amazon series, the Axis powers have won WW II. The Nazis got the bomb first and
nuked DC. Nazis control the eastern US; Japanese control the west, and there is
a neutral zone in between, in the Rocky Mountains.
The viewer
is jolted by familiar American imagery branded with the spoor of the new overlord.
The stars and stripes feature a swastika or the Japanese sun disk. Students
attend a high school named after Fritz Julius Kuhn, leader of the German
American Bund. The pledge of allegiance swears fealty to Hitler, who is still
alive in 1962. White girls are prostitutes for Japanese men. They bow servilely.
An antiques dealer sells American memorabilia to Japanese collectors. America
has been reduced to a conqueror's decorative knickknack, like a taxidermed
is a resistance, made up of native-born Americans who carry out limited
operations. The resistance's work is built around trafficking film. That's
right – film. The film footage depicts alternate realities. In one of those
alternate realities, America won the war. The viewer is confused and wonders if
this MacGuffin will pay off or if it will all go splat in the final episode, as
happened on Lost. Maybe we will
discover that everyone has actually been dead this whole time.
making any art that addresses Nazism or its Axis allies like Japan has to make
a decision: how grim do you go?
one end of the spectrum is the film The
Grey Zone, a film that almost no one has seen. It takes place inside
Auschwitz. The main characters are sonderkommandos, the Jews who processed other
Jews' corpses after their deaths. No big spoiler here: everyone dies. Again, no
one wants to see this movie.
the other end of the spectrum you have a film like Casablanca. In this classic the Nazis biggest crime is forcing café
patrons to listen to the clunky German anthem, "Die Wacht am Rhein."
In Casablanca, everyone is well fed,
perfectly coiffed, and very soigné. You can practically smell the cologne. Most
important, real opportunities for real heroism abound. No such luck in the
slaughterhouse that is The Grey Zone.
what I saw on The Sopranos, I assumed
that "Golden Age of TV" appellation equaled "graphic sex and violence."
One of the things that astounds me most about TMITHC is that it is G-rated. There are torture, seppuku, mass
shooting, and other scenes, but they are handled the way a 1940s director would
handle such scenes. The audience is informed of what is about to happen, and
minimal cues inform the viewer that it has happened.
the opening show, a resistance leader, we are told, is beaten to death. This is
not presented anywhere near as graphically as similar scenes were in the 2016
film Anthropoid, about the
assassination of Reinhard Heydrich by Czech and Slovak assassins. In TMITHC, the resistance fighter is tied
up and shown bruised and dirty. It is clear what has happened to him and what
will happen to him, but we don't have to cringe at every blow.
watched many Holocaust-related films. TMITHC
created a very subtle scene that will stay with me for a long time. A suspected
resistance fighter's sister, niece and nephew are arrested. Axis investigators
have discovered that the family has one Jewish grandfather. The woman is a
lovely young mother beautifully attired in vintage early sixties fashions. Her two
children are attractive but real. The authorities shuffle her and her children
into a waiting room. There is a TV playing cartoons and toys for the children
to play with.
can see why the mother would be anxious – the authorities are scary and
officious. She is given no reason for being there. But the waiting room is
rather like a doctor's waiting room, so one might assume that her nervousness
is no more grounded than the nervousness we feel in a doctor's waiting rom.
As the
episode progresses and advances other character's storylines, it cuts, again
and again, back to the mother and her children. The children are growing
increasingly bored and cranky. She is growing increasingly terrified.
Eventually she gazes upward and notices the vents in the ceiling. They look
like many an innocent ceiling vent, but given the context – a Jewish woman
detained without explanation in an Axis-controlled American dystopia – those ceiling
vents take on a horrific menace. The woman walks toward the door and attempts to
open it. She can't open it. It is locked. And that is the last we see of her.
We know exactly what descended from those innocuous, industrial-looking ceiling
vents after the woman and her children left our sight.
In addition
to its g-rated, 1940s style sex and violence, as opposed to more graphic
choices in how to depict sex and violence, TMITHC
has chosen a 1940s earnestness. The
Sopranos was an ironic show. The viewer was encouraged to laugh at its
Mafiosi. "Did you ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gherig died
of Lou Gherig's disease?" a murderer asks. Ha, ha, ha. These Jersey Wop pimps,
drug-dealers and killers are just so colorful, just so funny. The pinky rings,
the malapropisms, the loud suits. Sopranos
viewers were allowed to wallow in their taste for graphic sex and violence,
and to float above it all, as if the Mafia would never deal drugs or strong-arm
businessmen in their neighborhood.
watched a bit over half of TMITHC and
I have not been allowed one single ironic chuckle as an escape from the
onscreen dystopia. Everything is so earnest. The deaths are just sad, not sad
plus stylized, not sad plus funny. When civilians are rounded up randomly at an
outdoor market, separated from their screaming children, stood up against a
wall and shot, that is just simply a sad and scary thing. No escape hatch into
humor or glitzy camera moves. The resistance fighters are the people we would
be if our nation were suddenly hijacked by fascists.
of which, google "The Man in the High Castle" and "Trump"
and find a plethora of think pieces from the New York Times, The Atlantic, National Public Radio, and others.
I'm not making the news here, just reporting it.
So, I
love the 1940s-movie-style absence of graphic sex and violence, and the utter
earnestness I have seen in TMITHC.
But I love this series' aesthetics.
I was
jarred when I heard that Amazon was calling itself a studio. Again, I'm classic
Hollywood movie fan. When I think "studio" I think of a cigar-chomping
Polish-Jewish immigrant presiding over a huge lot full of props, costumes,
dialogue coaches and soundstages. I know that's an outdated model, but it still
astounds me that a book seller can apply the word "studio" to itself
and produce something as rich as TMITHC.
example: one of the main characters, Joe Blake (Luke Kleintank) is chatting
with a blonde in a hotel lobby. Behind him moves a bellhop. The bellhop is wearing
one of those flat-topped, chin-strap caps. The bellhop is in the frame for mere
seconds, and he performs no role in the scene, except to add to depth and
detail. Watching TMITHC, I can't help
but wonder at how much money, attention, and effort is up on the screen.
visual effects are stunning. Each episode begins with a silvery, black-and-white
montage of the Axis takeover of the US. There are parachute drops, nuclear
blasts, and rockets, interspersed with Mount Rushmore and the Statue of
Liberty. Over this montage, in a whispery, lisping voice, a woman sings a
haunting version of Edelweiss. Watching this montage fills me with dread and
rage. I want to rescue my beloved homeland from the bad guys. A feeling I
suspect I will experience more and more after January 20, 2017.
much as I like TMITHC, and that is
very much, I think the alternate time line / time travel aspect of the film is
one gimmick too many. "What if the Axis had won WW II and the Germans and
Japanese took over the US" is gimmick, is MacGuffin, enough, for me. "What
if the Axis had won … and what if films could be used to travel around in
time" is just way too much gimmick. But hey.
What significance
does The Man in the High Castle have
to the Bieganski
stereotype as outlined in my book of the same title?
and if you pay any attention at all to onscreen treatments of WW II this will
not surprise you at all, many viewers' hands-down favorite character on the
show is not a Jewish or other victim of the Nazis. It is not a heroic and
self-sacrificing resistance fighter. No. The standout, "I can't help
myself I love him" write-a-letter-to-the-actor asking-him-how-he-manages-to-humanize-such-a-difficult-character
audience favorite is a Nazi.
Sewell plays Obergruppenführer John Smith. He is very handsome (oh those
cheekbones), the smartest guy in the room, superbly well-dressed (thank you
Hugo Boss), and he loves his family so much he would do anything to protect
them from harm.
glamorous, admirable Nazis are a staple of WW II in pop culture. I've written
about the Sexy Nazi phenomenon several times on this blog. See here
But really you should read Bieganski
better to understand why the sexy Nazi is such a staple.
second point, also related to the Bieganski stereotype.
the episodes I've seen so far, and I have not seen every one, there is no
mention of Slavic people. Nazis victimize Jews, yes. Nazis victimize
handicapped people, yes. Nazis don't like black people, yes. And that's it.
it's actually worse than that.
say that in Dick's book, the Nazis have realized their Generalplan Ost (please
read about Generalplan
Ost if you think Slavs were never targeted by the Nazis.) See the map,
below. Eastern Europe's Slavic countries have been erased from the map, in
Dick's dystopia. Slavs have been the subject of the Nazis' planned genocide,
ethnic cleansing, and enslavement.
murder of millions of people. Their enslavement and erasure. Apparently not
"sexy" enough for Amazon producers. Not even included in Amazon's TMITHC. Think about that. Really. Think
about it.
recently reviewed Richard Weikart's new book Hitler's Religion for FrontPage magazine. You can read the review here.
person said that by mentioning the suffering of Slavic people under Nazism, I
was "ignoring the suffering of Jews." By the way, the person who made
this accusation is a Christian, and a woman who rushed to my defense, and to
defend mention of the suffering of non-Jewish Slavs under Nazism, is herself
note that: to mention the suffering of non-Jewish Slavs under Nazism is
tantamount to ignoring the suffering of Jews.
taking issue with my mention of Slavic victimization under the Nazis reminded
me that the Crusaders committed atrocities against Jews. I was reminded that
Jews were expelled from England. I was reminded that the Soviets were officially
atheist and not all the Soviets who died under Nazism were devout Christians.
German Crusaders committed atrocities against Jews – during the same era when German crusaders were
committing atrocities against Slavs and other Baltic peoples – does not
change the fact that the Nazis victimized non-Jewish Slavs. That England
expelled Jews in the Middle Ages does not change the fact that the Nazis
victimized Slavs. How is it that mention of the Nazi victimization of Slavs is
some pox outbreak that must be quelled with mention of bad things that English
and German people did in the Middle Ages?
Nazis. Slavic people never having been victimized by Nazis. Again, I haven't
seen every episode of The Man in the High
Castle, but that's what I've seen so far. Those who have seen every episode
can correct me if I have things wrong.
we have a problem. We must do a better job of telling our story. For my take on
what's going wrong in our leadership on this question of telling our own story,
and what needs to be done to set it right, please see here.
Source: Wikimedia commons |