Monday, October 19, 2015
Polonia, Do You Need Any Further Proof that You Wield No Cultural Clout?
The other day the Huffington Post ran an article with an utterly racist and derogatory headline insulting and misrepresenting all Poles and Poland.
The Huffington Post would never run a similar headline insulting almost any other country. Not Burma. Not Uruguay. Not Mauritania.
Being called "racist" or any of its synonyms -- including "xenophobic" -- is the worst insult one can fling in these politically correct days.
The Huffington Post called all Poles and Poland "xenophobic."
And Polonia does nothing. And Polonia has been doing nothing for decades now.
I've been saying the exact same thing on this blog for years. And in my other published writing.
Polonia, you have an image problem. There's an award-winning book that addresses that image problem. It's called "Bieganski." But it here. Read it. Share it. Assign it to students. Do something about it. Don't know what to do? There are suggestions here.
Huffington Post's astoundingly offensive anti-Polish article is headlined "As Cold War II Looms, Washington Courts Nationalist, Rightwing, Catholic, Xenophobic Poland." here
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Gun Enthusiasts: Stop Attempting to Exploit the Holocaust -- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
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The statement, below, is from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. You can view it on the website here.
October 9, 2015
WASHINGTON, DC — Nazism represented a singular evil that resulted in the murder of six million Jews and the persecution and deaths of millions of others for racial and political reasons. Comparing contemporary situations to Nazism is not only offensive to its victims, but it is also inaccurate and misrepresents both Holocaust history and the present. The Holocaust should be remembered, studied, and understood so that we can learn its lessons; it should not be exploited for opportunistic purposes.
The statement was released in the wake of comments by Dr. Ben Carson, Republican candidate for US president. In his new book, "A More Perfect Union," Dr. Carson wrote, "through a combination of removing guns and disseminating propaganda, the Nazis were able to carry out their evil intentions with relatively little resistance."
Gun enthusiasts' attempt to exploit the Holocaust to advance their own agenda has been answered many times.
See an ADL statement here
See Tablet Magazine's "Gun Control and the Holocaust" here
Bernard E Harcourt writes "On Gun Registration, the NRA, Adolf Hitler and Nazi Gun Laws: Exploding the Gun Culture Wars: A Call to Historians" in the Fordham Law Review here
The Forward's commentary is here
A brief treatment of the arguments for and against the idea that gun control was a significant Nazi tool is here
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Muslim Merkel Causes Outrage; Merkel Castigates Eastern Europeans
Monday, October 5, 2015
Bieganski in a Few Seconds
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Was chatting on Facebook and friend Lyle S Henretty
posted the following anecdote. It's really brief. In this brief anecdote, he says
much about how stereotyping works.
People think that they don't hold stereotypes, but
someone says something and it surprises them. They realize that they do hold
"Danusha, your comment about stereotyping Poles triggered
a memory I'd like to share. I was in college and law school in the late 60s.
Polish jokes were all the rage, and I laughed at them and told them. Then one
day I saw a report on the evening news about a Polish scientist who had just
made an important discovery. In little more than a couple seconds I first was
surprised at the news that it was a discovery made by a Pole, then was shocked
at my surprise, and then realized the jokes had worked on me, had convinced me
that Poles were slow, dull-witted. I was ashamed. I eventually decided to stop
telling jokes that were at someone else's expense."
Sunday, October 4, 2015
The Belfast Telegraph's European Excursion by Michal Karski
The Belfast Telegraph's European Excursion
by Michal Karski
This piece could have had so many
titles: “Don’t Upset the Poles”, for instance, a wordplay with the obvious reference
to the above picture of an Olympic skier dodging the marker poles, or, perhaps,
borrowing from Jonathan Swift’s condemnation of the War of the Spanish
Succession of the early 1700s; “The Conduct of the Allies”, which would involve
a discussion of the progressively deteriorating relations between Poland and
its Allies during the war and for decades afterwards, culminating in the kind
of attack we have just seen at the Belfast Telegraph; or an amalgam, using a
reference from both Swift and another Irish writer, James Joyce, ”The Conduct
of the Alligators”(in Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’, a character asks “who made those
allegations?”. “I” replies another. “I’m the alligator”); or just simply “Fear
and Loathing at the Belfast Telegraph”. I opted for the one above because it
seems the insular editors at the BT have only just discovered Europe and the
revelation that it is not just Northern Irish politics which need to be treated
with sensitivity seems to have come as a bit of a shock to them. Indeed, a
paraphrase from yet another Irish writer, Oscar Wilde, might sum up the
situation at the Telegraph editorial offices so far, following the “Poles and
Auschwitz” furore. “To delete all comments to a controversial article may be
regarded as a knee-jerk reaction, but to deny the right of reply to an
ambassador might seem like clear bias in favour of the alligator”, the
‘alligator’ in question being the writer of the original letter, Dr Kevin
Again , with reference to the above
photo, I was tempted to use the tabloidesque “It’s Downhill All the Way at the
Belfast Telegraph”, but that would be quite unfair. (But quite funny, I
thought). The person pictured, by the way, is Olympic skier and mountain
rescuer Bronisław Czech. What has he to do with the Belfast Telegraph? Follow
me, if you will, down the long and winding slalom.
Many of us have remarked at how the
Allies – particularly the Western ones who were once so cordial to Poland –
seem to be going further and further down the road of not only rehabilitating
Germany (which, in itself, is no cause for offence, since Germany has done a
great deal to earn its readmission to civilized society), but what is
contentious and unfair about this whole process is that it has come at a price
– and it is precisely Poland, one of the Allied nations, which is paying that
price. This central European country is increasingly being made into a
scapegoat for all the evils of WWII. This is, of course, one of the significant
themes in Danusha Goska’s book ‘Bieganski, the Brute Polak Stereotype’ – soon
to appear in Polish translation – and I would recommend it as an illuminating
read to the editors at the Belfast Telegraph who have taken the entitlements of
press freedom into a zone the horrors of which they themselves could hardly
have been expecting.
Belfast, for those readers in Poland
who may not be entirely au fait with the political situation in the British
Isles, is in Northern Ireland, which is a part of the UK and not in Eire, the
independent republic. The city was attacked by the Luftwaffe four times in
1941, according to Irish History Live
and although Northern Ireland was
exempt from conscription, many volunteered to serve in the British forces.
Indeed some of the editors at the Belfast Telegraph may well have had parents
or grandparents who fought against the Nazi Germans.
The general issue of freedom of the
press, championed by the Belfast Telegraph, is an important one, of course.
Anyone who has followed the exchange of views in letters and comments at the BT
following Dr McCarthy’s original inflammatory letter, can see that its
publication became a bit of a test of press freedom. The British press advisory
body, Ipso, ruled in favour of the Telegraph after a reader in Eire brought a
A Telegraph columnist, Mick Hume,
immediately wrote a piece hailing the ruling as a victory for press freedom,
but also effectively questioning the need for an independent arbitrator in the
first place.
The existence of a regulator is a “complainants’
charter”, complained this BT columnist and a “problem for our hard-pressed
Press”. Mr Hume’s column gives the distinct impression that he considers Ipso
as an unnecessary brake on press freedom, and he seems to disregard the obvious
alternative to an independent regulator which can only be a free-for-all,
dog-eat-dog scenario in which those who can afford libel lawyers stand any
chance of redress if they dare to take on giant press organizations. People in
the US and elsewhere may not be aware of the rather sorry history of UK tabloid
excesses, or the infamous hacking scandal which eventually led to the Leveson
enquiry, after which the old independent press regulator was deemed not
independent enough and was replaced by a different independent press regulator,
which, in turn, was criticised as lacking true independence by campaign group
‘Hacked Off’.
Will we ever get a truly independent body here
in the UK, which is essentially what Lord Justice Leveson was proposing? The
need is clearly there. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Dr McCarthy’s unbelievable and damaging
allegations may fall within the strict definition of free speech inasmuch as he
is only expressing a personal opinion, but the same could be said of anyone who
wants to defame a group or individual. The Belfast Telegraph may have been
legally entitled to print what was clearly marked as a reader’s letter and may
not have necessarily reflected the view of the BT editorial board – which is
the strict point of the Ipso ruling – but the BT must take its share of
responsibility for publishing what they must have known was a highly
contentious viewpoint. And who composed the “Auschwitz” headline above the
letter? Dr McCarthy or a clever BT editor?
As an aside, it is not for me to
suggest that Dr McCarthy may want to apologise to the other Dr McCarthy of UCC
for placing him, however unwittingly, in the position of a target for unwelcome
and unwarranted attention – for all I know, this may already have happened.
In view of everything that has been
written since the ‘Auschwitz’ letter appeared, the editors at the BT may wonder
if it was wise to publish at all. Telegraph columnist Paul Connolly points out
that it may have been unwise of the
Polish embassy to ask for the offending letter to be removed. (Let it stand, by
all means, as evidence of Dr McCarthy’s position – unless he modifies it, of
course), but, in my opinion, the ambassador should certainly not have been
rebuffed and should have been given the right of reply. There seems to have
been some shock at the BT at the torrent of reactions which came in from Poles
and Polonians. Some comments, of course, have been less polite than others, but
did the BT really expect courtesy from representatives of a nation who had been
collectively accused of playing a role in the siting of German death camps in
which their own family members may well have died? The overwhelming majority of
Auschwitz victims were, of course, Jews from all over Europe, but the first
group to be killed, as many pointed out, were Polish Christians. And how can
commentators really have a right to reply if all their comments are due to
disappear tonight because of “essential upgrade work on the contents management
system”? Patryk Malinski’s solitary letter here and not the ambassador’s reply, will
be the only one allowed to stand, in that case.
To bring in the murderous events at
Kielce as evidence of Polish anti-Semitism does not support the original
contention that the Poles therefore were ready to “accept” the camps. Apart
from the fact that the circumstances behind the post-war Kielce massacre are
still being fiercely debated, the situation in 1939 was that the defeated Poles
were in no position to accept or reject anything. Of course there was anti-Semitism in
Poland before the war, just as there was everywhere else in Europe in the
thirties. But the point of contention is that the Hitlerites of the German
Third Reich constructed their camps on Polish soil, not because of any
“ingrained-Polish anti-Semitism”, but for the simple reason, as the above
letter and several other correspondents pointed out, that, at 3.3 million, the
Jewish population of Poland was the largest in Europe.
As I mentioned earlier, the Belfast
Telegraph defends its right to print controversial material and hails the Ipso
ruling as a victory for free speech, but by deleting comments and denying an
ambassador the right to reply, it is also muzzling the freedom to express what
is for them an inconvenient viewpoint. They are clearly uncomfortable in the
unfamiliar zone of European politics. They may be extremely sensitive when it comes
to the rather complex politics of Northern Ireland, but they have apparently
only just discovered that Europeans have sensitivities too.
I haven’t forgotten Olympic skier Bronisław
Czech. Three times ski jump winner at St Moritz, first Polish skier in the
International Class, he joined the Polish Underground at the outbreak of war,
was a courier to Hungary, and was arrested by the Gestapo in 1940. If the cross
on his gravestone is anything to go by, he was one of millions of Christian
Poles who fell victim to Hitler’s murderous Third Reich. Belfast Telegraph,
please note: it was not only Jews who perished in the death camps. Bronisław Czech
died in Auschwitz in June 1944.
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