A 64 year old Rabbi was attacked in a Crown Heights park in NYC. The assailant threw a brick at him and knocked out his teeth. Rabbi Avraham Gopin required stitches. This attack is part of a surge in attacks on Jews in recent years in NYC. Attackers are often young men of color and media acknowledge that reporting these stories is difficult for media because they do not fit the profile of what media promote as a "hate crime." They would rather report on white supremacists attacking people of color. See full story of attack here
"Attackers are often young men of color and media acknowledge that reporting these stories is difficult for media because they do not fit the profile of what media promote as a "hate crime." They would rather report on white supremacists attacking people of color."
Bieganski the Blog exists to further explore the themes of the book Bieganski the Brute Polak Stereotype, Its Role in Polish-Jewish Relations and American Popular Culture. These themes include the false and damaging stereotype of Poles as brutes who are uniquely hateful and responsible for atrocity, and this stereotype's use in distorting WW II history and all accounts of atrocity. This blog welcomes comments from readers that address those themes. Off-topic and anti-Semitic posts are likely to be deleted. Your comment is more likely to be posted if: Your comment includes a real first and last name. Your comment uses Standard English spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Your comment uses I-statements rather than You-statements. Your comment states a position based on facts, rather than on ad hominem material. Your comment includes readily verifiable factual material, rather than speculation that veers wildly away from established facts. T'he full meaning of your comment is clear to the comment moderator the first time he or she glances over it. You comment is less likely to be posted if: You do not include a first and last name. Your comment is not in Standard English, with enough errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar to make the comment's meaning difficult to discern. Your comment includes ad hominem statements, or You-statements. You have previously posted, or attempted to post, in an inappropriate manner. You keep repeating the same things over and over and over again.
"Attackers are often young men of color and media acknowledge that reporting these stories is difficult for media because they do not fit the profile of what media promote as a "hate crime." They would rather report on white supremacists attacking people of color."
ReplyDeleteIt figures.