Egyptian police beat the girl in the blue bra. |
On New Year's 2015-2016, Muslim migrant males committed mass
sexual assaults against European women in Cologne, Germany, other cities in
Germany, and also in Austria, Finland, and Switzerland.
The men used the tactic of "taharrush gamea." A
group of men surround a lone woman, violently grope her, perhaps rape her, rob
her, and also perhaps burn her with lighted fireworks. They then move on to the
next victim.
This tactic had previously been used in Tahrir Square,
notably on Lara Logan. There have been documented attacks on hundreds of less
famous women as well in Tahrir Square, including an Egyptian who was later
visited in the hospital by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
Muslim men targeting kuffar women for sexual assault is
nothing new. It goes back to Mohammed himself, who engaged in such assaults and
advised his followers to do so. See here.
Power elites in Cologne, Germany, and across Europe
worked hard to keep the New Year's Eve sexual assaults quiet.
Politicians' and journalists' attempt to suppress information
about the mass sex assaults is part of a larger pattern. In Rotherham, England,
Muslim men formed rape gangs that preyed on young English girls. Authorities
knew of these assaults but kept quiet because they were afraid of being called
racist and politically incorrect. You can read more about that here.
Swedish police have also been accused of covering up sex assaults against women
and girls by Muslims. You can read more about that here.
Thanks to the invention of social media, politicians and
journalists were not successful in their attempts to suppress information about
the New Year's sex assaults. Politicians and journalists worked very hard to
spin the story once it got out. Women could just respond by maintaining an
arm's length distance between themselves and potential attackers. Migrants
could be politely requested not to engage in gang rape.
The Polish magazine w
Sieci responded with a February 18 cover that depicts a woman attempting to
hide behind a European Union flag. Male hands grab at her and her flag.
I posted the image on my Facebook page. A Facebook friend
immediately said it was similar to work appearing in the Nazi propaganda
publication Der Sturmer.
I see no similarity between this image and Nazi art. I
find it troubling that anyone automatically and without any support makes the
connection between a Polish magazine and Nazi art. Do we really have to repeat
that Nazism was a German phenomenon, that Poland was attacked by and fought
against Nazis?
The w Sieci
image brings to mind, for me, Kara Walker's art. Kara Walker creates black-and-white
silhouettes that dramatize the horrors of slavery, including rape. In her work,
she makes it inescapable that white men used slavery to rape black women. Her
art is highly praised.
Clearly there's a double standard at work. Clearly
critics have a problem with the w Sieci
cover because PC says it is not okay to criticize Islam. The women victims are
expendable on the altar of political correctness.
Perhaps people who find the w Sieci cover too disturbing to view might prefer this
video that shows the Egyptian police brutally beating an Egyptian girl.
She's known as the girl in the blue bra. The police strip her and stomp on her
breasts, barely covered by a blue bra.
What is wrong with people who find the w Sieci cover offensive, but who don't
find the mass rape of women offensive?
There's a double standard at work.
In politically correct discourse, one can say any
negative thing one wants about Western Civilization, about bad, bad, evil white
men, about Christianity and, in certain contexts, about Israel or Judaism.
But you dare not breathe one negative word about Islam.
Recently I was conversing with someone who wishes to
remain anonymous. I honor this person's request.
This person told me the following. A professor on an
American university campus taught the class that students were forbidden negatively
to assess female genital mutilation. To do so would be "wrong" and
"ethnocentric." Further, the professor taught that female genital
mutilation is an "African custom" with no relation to Islam
If what this student told me is accurate, and I have no
reason to doubt it, this student was ethically castrated by this professor. To
"forbid" a student to have a reaction to a practice that traumatizes,
cripples, terrorizes and kills innocent human beings is to ethically castrate
that student.
There is nothing "ethnocentric" about ethics.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Leyla Hussein are just two of the women who come from
cultures that practice FGM, who have had FGM performed on them, and who work
against FGM.
Further, this student was brainwashed by this professor.
FGM *is* related to Islam. It is *not* an "African custom." A map of
the prevalence of FGM shows that it occurs where Muslims live, including in Indonesia,
an East Asian nation. See here.
Islamic teaching and law support it. See here.
I am sympathetic to Muslims who don't want to be hated
and who feel uncomfortable when their religion is criticized. I am Catholic and
I have confronted anti-Catholic hatred all my life. It's a daily event on
Facebook. I have friends who hate my faith and post virulently anti-Catholic
Recently Pope Francis, in reference to US presidential candidate
Donald Trump, said that a man who speaks of building walls, not bridges, is not
Also recently, US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a
Catholic, died.
Protestants responded. A Protestant blogger
responded to Scalia's death by announcing that Scalia, along with Mother
Teresa, was almost certainly in Hell. Susan DeLemus, a New Hampshire
legislator, called
Pope Francis the anti-Christ. "The founders of the United States
actually, the Protestant Church – their commentary references the papacy as the
I respond to the haters I encounter with words. In
addition, all Christians must constantly examine their behavior and change when
change is called for.
Muslims who don't like to see Islam criticized will
benefit from reforming their community. Start with these gentlemen.
A religion of piece, a piece here, a piece there…