Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Never Again Association Releases a Report on Grzegorz Braun

 The Never Again Association describes itself thus,

"The 'NEVER AGAIN' Association is an independent civil society organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. It has campaigned against racism, antisemitism, and xenophobia, for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights across the world … The major objectives of the 'NEVER AGAIN' Association include:


 breaking the silence and raising awareness of the problem of racism and xenophobia;


building a broad and inclusive movement against racism and discrimination, for respect, inclusivity and diversity;


eliminating or marginalizing racist, xenophobic and antisemitic tendencies in various spheres of life."


The Never Again Association webpage is here.


In December, 2023, the Never Again Association released "Braun's Hate," a report addressing Grzegorz Braun's activities. The full, 29-page report can be read here.


The report begins,


"The 'NEVER AGAIN' Association has prepared a special report that documents several dozen examples of hateful actions and statements of Grzegorz Braun, Member of Polish Parliament from the far right Konfederacja (Confederation) party. The hatred expressed by Braun did not start with the infamous 12 December 2023 attack on the hannukiah in the Parliament, using a fire extinguisher. In fact, the Konfederacja MP has for years promoted conspiracy theories about Jews taking over Poland, mocked the victims of Nazi camps, called for violence against LGBT people, and boasted about tearing down Ukrainian flags."


Here are just a few examples from the report:


"On 2 April 2019, in an interview published on the YouTube channel of wRealu24, online TV, Grzegorz Braun demanded penalties for homosexuality. He said, 'Let's negotiate not the boundaries of tolerance, but of penalisation. … If someone comes up with a liberal bill introducing whipping of homosexuals, then we can discuss how to implement it whether through European Parliament or Warsaw's Parliament.'


On 9 April 2020, in an interview for the Panta Rhei channel on YouTube, Braun presented xenophobic conspiracy theories about the origins of COVID--19, 'Might it be simply an act of biological warfare? …Who might benefit from it? The Chinese, Americans, Muscovites, Jews, or all of them at once?'


Braun referred to modern Poland as 'a Russian German condominium under Jewish fiduciary government', adding that 'the Jewish fiduciary government has, of course, its guarantor and protector in the American empire'. He continued: 'Germans, Jews and sodomites must not re write our history and instruct us how to behave in our own home'"