Thursday, June 20, 2024

Treasure 2024 Lena Dunham Stephen Fry


Treasure 2024
 Lena Dunam's Auschwitz tour does more harm than good.


Treasure is a tragicomedy starring Lena Dunham, the 38-year-old behind the HBO phenom, Girls (2012 – 2017). Her co-star is Stephen Fry, a 66-year-old English comedian. Treasure opened in the U.S. on June 14, 2024.


Treasure takes place in February, 1991. Ruth Rothwax travels with her father, Edek, to Auschwitz, where he and his wife had been prisoners. Their chauffeur is Stefan (Zbigniew Zamachowski), a cabbie. The film ends with Ruth and Edek hugging, crying, and apologizing for past failures to express love. Finally, Ruth and Edek unearth actual, buried treasure.

"Holocaust Death Toll on English Channel Island Is Raised by Hundreds" New York Times


Holocaust Death Toll on English Channel Island Is Raised by Hundreds

A panel of academics said it found more conclusive evidence of how many people were killed during the Nazi occupation of Alderney, one of the Channel Islands in British territory.

A panel of historians examining the Nazi occupation of the island of Alderney during World War II settled on a range of deaths that surpassed a previous estimate. It also documented the lack of prosecution after the war.

By Claire Moses

May 22, 2024

A long-running debate about a small part of Britain's Holocaust history has been settled.

A panel of historians tasked with investigating the death toll in Alderney, a British Crown Dependency and one of the Channel Islands in the English Channel, has adjusted the island's historical record, adding several hundred people to an official count from the 1940s.

Lord Eric Pickles, Britain's special envoy for post-Holocaust issues, announced last July that a panel of experts would try to settle the — at times heated — debate. On Wednesday, he presented the findings with members of the panel in a packed room at the Imperial War Museum in London.

The panel did not come to an exact number. It concluded that the likely range of deaths was between 641 and 1,027, with a maximum number of 1,134 people. A previous estimate had put the number of deaths below 400.

The panel also answered the question of how many forced laborers and prisoners — the vast majority of whom were men — were on the island during the occupation between 1940 and 1945, concluding that there were between 7,608 and 7,812 people. Most of them were forced laborers from the Soviet Union. That number also included 594 Jewish prisoners from France.

 "We are absolutely confident about these numbers," Mr. Pickles said. "The truth can never harm us.

Although the panel's original remit had been to focus solely on the numbers, that turned out not to be enough, Mr. Pickles said. Over the last nine months, the panel widened its scope and investigated the question of why Britain never held any of the Nazi perpetrators responsible for mistreatment that included beatings, shootings, malnutrition and horrific working conditions...

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