Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Jewish Journalist Asks Black Race Hustler Tough Questions; Bosses Smack Down Jewish Journalist

CBS journalist Tony Dokoupil asked race hustler Ta Nehisi Coates tough questions on air. Coates, in a new book he is flogging, compared Israel to the Jim Crow South. On air, Coates said that Israel is an "apartheid state." 

Dokoupil asked Coates why the concept of a Jewish state is abhorrent to him. 

CBS is disciplining Dokoupil for this question. 

This is the ethnic hierarchy of the Woke. 

If I were interviewing a Jewish person for CBS, I, as a Polish-American Catholic, would be the low man on the totem pole, and I'd have to tread carefully. 

Tony Dokoupil is Jewish, but Ta Nehisi Coates is black, and, to the Woke, black identity trumps Jewish identity, so Dokoupil is the one who is lower on the totem pole and he's the one who has to be deferential to the black person. 

If Coates were interviewing a Muslim, Coates would be the one who would have to read carefully, because Muslim identity trumps black identity's value. 

Full story at the NYT here


  1. Who knows in which direction the darts will fly?

    This conflict, between American Jews and African Americans, shows what happens when you let the genie of political correctness out of the bottle, and then construct a victim hierarchy that values one particular group over all others. It is a recipe for conflict.

    Whether this conflict will eventually lead to justice for Polish-Americans remains to be seen.

    1. Though I advise not to hold your breath while you are waiting Jan!.

  2. You say: “If I were interviewing a Jewish person for CBS, I, as a Polish-American Catholic, would be the low man on the totem pole, and I’d have to tread carefully.”

    Indeed. Same same for if you were interviewing a Muslim person, or just about anybody really. And I was thinking of it more the other way round, in that if this journalist wanted to ask “tough questions” he would be better off (careerwise) asking them of Poles/Polonians as we have been made a very safe target indeed.

    Mind you, why would I want to ask any tough questions of either of these gentlemen? All I would want to do is to tell them about the incoming Kingdom of God, and of the wonderful things it is already doing on the earth.


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