Alan Dershowitz is a confused old man, an attention whore, and a dishonest hate monger who kisses Trump's behind. But you knew all that.
Someone I thought of as a "friend" sent me the article, below. It is full of lies and hatred.
I reminded this "friend" that Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world today, and that spreading hate and lies like this is used to justify that persecution.
I have a lot going on in my personal life so I don't have time to go through this lousy piece of blood libel point by point, but maybe someone will want to address this in the comments section. Fact based, hate free comments only. Resisting the hatred of some not all Jews for Christians DOES NOT justify responding with antisemitism.
And, no, I do not support any identification of Jesus with Muslim Arabs. Jesus was a JEW. No debate. It's the rest of the Dershowitz piece, full of hate mongering lies, that is vile.
PS: I'm dealing with life/death health issues and I have been doing so since a medical emergency in early November. It's been two months of fear, sadness, what work can I get done before I die, including work on Bieganski, looking at the will, the card donating my body to medical research, and endless medical appointments and big medical bills.
A social media friend, someone I liked and trusted, someone I'd known for ten previous years, in the midst of all this, a person who had previously said that she "loved" me, called me "vile" "pathetic" and a supporter of terrorism because I supported Kalama Harris in the 2024 presidential election, and was very opposed to Trump.
And then the piece below comes in my mailbox the very day I had surgery.
These two communications epitomize disregard for the humanity of the person to whom one is speaking. In both cases, my interlocutor was a Jewish person who saw me, in the moment, only as a -- what -- non-Jew? Enemy? Catholic? Polish Catholic?
Not as a human being they'd been friends with for years, a supporter of Israel, someone focused on life/death issues.
Just a person to bash.
No, this is not how all Jews behave. No, this is not a comment on a religion or an ethnicity. It's a comment on my own personal experience in the past months, an experience that happened more than once, with others as well.
People resorting to tribalism and forgetting humanity. People of all stripes do it. To the extent that Jews do it, I hope some will choose to examine this behavior and address it.
and to Jewish friends who did not take this route, thank you.
The Dershowitz piece is below.
Pope Francis
Violates Catholic Teaching by Bearing False Witness Against Israel
Alan Dershowitz
Jan 7
Since the end of World War II, the
Vatican has tried hard to make up for its centuries of attacks on the Jewish
people, including the Crusades, the Inquisition, priest-incited pogroms, and
theological claims that the Jews killed Jesus. The Vatican's complicity in
genocide during World War II took the form of Pope Pius XII's refusal to create
a "crisis of conscience" among German Catholics by forbidding them
from participating in the mass murder of Jews.
Since the death of Pope Pius XII, the
Vatican has tried hard to make up for its sordid history. Pope Paul VI led the
way by repudiating the allegation of collective Jewish guilt for deicide, with
Pope John Paul II speaking of the Jewish faith as the ancestor of the Christian
religion. In 1993, the Vatican, after too many years of silence, finally
recognized the State of Israel, and over time, the relationships between the
Vatican and the nation-state of the Jewish people improved.
Now comes Pope Francis, who has been
afflicted with a bad case of "Palestinianism" -- an obsessive focus
on Palestinian rights to the minimization of concern for far more deserving
groups around the world. In an act that flies in the face of the Christian
Bible, the Vatican recently featured a nativity scene which laid the baby Jesus
on a keffiyeh, thus accepting the false Palestinian narrative that Jesus was a
Palestinian and not a Jew.
The bible of the Catholic Church
expressly states that Jesus was born a Jew in the Judean city with the Hebrew
name of Beth Lechem ("House of Bread," Bethlehem in English). He was
born there on what has now become Christmas, around the time of the Jewish
celebration of Hanukkah. He was circumcised as a Jew on New Years Day. He
preached as a Jewish rabbi in the Jewish area called the Galil (Galilee in
English). He was crucified as a Jewish enemy of the Romans in Jerusalem. During
his lifetime, he never heard the word Christian. He lived as a Jew and died as
a Jew. He did not wear a keffiyeh. The Muslim faith only began 600 years after
his death. It would have been more appropriate for the Vatican to lay the baby
on a Jewish tallit (prayer shawl) and wearing a Magen David (star of David).
The Vatican willfully violated their own teachings by falsely trying to present
him as a Palestinian.
Much more seriously, Pope Francis has
joined the chorus of blood libelers who have accused Israel of genocide,
writing: "According to some experts, what is happening in Gaza has the
characteristics of a genocide." This indictment is totally false as a
matter of fact, law and morality. The Vatican knows what genocide is. It
perfected this crime against humanity during the Crusades, the Inquisition and
the priest-inspired pogroms that led to the Holocaust. Genocide requires an
intent to destroy an entire religious, racial or ethnic group, without
exceptions. It does not include acts of self-defense, such as those engaged in
by the Israel Defense Forces following the massacres of October 7, 2023.
The Hamas claim that Israel has killed
45,000 Palestinians has now been debunked by several studies (such as here and
here). This absurdly exaggerated figure includes thousands of Palestinians who
died of cancer and other diseases. It includes Palestinians who were killed by
Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets and by Hamas's own murderous actions against
fellow Palestinians who oppose its tyranny. It counts as children 16- and
17-year-old terrorists who have been recruited by Hamas to murder Jews. It
includes as "civilians" people who directly participated in the
murders and rapes on October 7.
The Hamas figures have turned men into
women, adults into children and combatants into innocents. The reality is that
Israel has killed far fewer civilians in relation to combatants than any nation
in history while fighting comparable urban wars, especially where Hamas
combatants hide among civilians, precisely in order to induce Israel to kill as
many civilians as possible.
The Israel Defense Force does more to
protect truly innocent civilians than any other nation in history.
The Catholic Church is a great
institution that does so much good around the world. Its wonderful teachings
have informed millions of followers to do great deeds. The current pope, a
South American with "woke," left-wing leanings, is doing a disservice
to this glorious tradition. By accepting Palestinianism and supporting the
Hamas narrative, he is siding with the enemies of Christianity, the enemies of
Judaism and the enemies of decency. I will not curse Pope Francis; the bible
has already done so:
"Now the LORD had said unto
Abram.... And I will make of thee a great nation.... And I will bless them that
bless thee and curse him that curseth thee."
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I am so sorry to hear of your condition. I had no idea. My sincerest sympathy.
ReplyDeleteAs for Dersh, his remarks about Christianity are similar to those I see all the time in the mainstream Holocaust literature, of which I read a lot.
It sounds as though Dersh is having a temper tantrum over the fact that the Pope is not automatically siding with Israel as he is "supposed" to do, based on the conduct of previous Popes.
Danusha, I’m a silent observer and fan of your books and blog. I’m sorry to hear about your health and wanted you to know that I’m grateful for your wise words, moral clarity and I’ll keep you in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteYour kind message could not have come at a better time. I just got a crushing medical bill. Three of them, actually.