Source: Vanity Fair |
Wieseltier, Harvey Weinstein, and Bieganski
In a
previous post I mentioned that The Tablet, a Jewish magazine, had identified
Harvey Weinstein's sexual predation as being informed by his Jewish identity. That
Tablet article caused an uproar and the author was forced to apologize for it.
think the question should be asked and answered. Heaven knows enough people
conflate German identity with mass murder. Me, I don't see the connection.
Rwandans, Cambodians, Russians, Muslims, Comanches, are all capable of real or attempted
Germans carried out their genocide in a typically German way. All that obsessive
documentation, for example, is very German. Photos. Bills of lading. Rwandans
didn't keep such scrupulous records of the bloated corpses they sent down the
Kagera River into Lake Victoria.
other words, crimes are universal and human but various identity groups can put
their own spin on crimes.
is the Brute Polak Stereotype. It is a cultural creation, not a reflection of
reality. It is supported by performances.
witnessed this particular performance many times. A purveyor of the Bieganski
stereotype would announce, "I am a virtuous person, and the seal of my
virtue is six million dead Jews. You, a Polish Catholic, are terminally filthy,
and the seal of your filth-as-identity is those same six million dead Jews.
You, therefore, cannot argue when I smear you as being a stereotypical
example of this dynamic. I was invited to a dinner party in Berkeley. My white,
wealthy, Nordic hostess was not Jewish. One of the guests, Neal, was. Over
dinner, apropos de rien, Neal told a series of offensive Polak jokes. I
protested. He immediately blurted out, "Poles were never lynched." An
interesting thing to say, given that lynching was, significantly, a white supremacist
crime against blacks, also given that Poles suffered under Mikhail Muraviev,
aka "The Hangman," who did indeed hang Poles. But Neal's message was
clear. He was Jewish. He suffered. His virtue status trumped mine. My job, as a
Polak, was to shut up and take his abuse.
a species of huffy outrage that some not all purveyors of the Bieganski
stereotype perform when elevating their own words above any critique, and
lowering all Polish Catholics below any human respect or sympathy.
The Slate article, "'There’s This Gap
Between Your Values and Lived Reality' Former New Republic editor Franklin Foer
on Processing and Learning from the Leon Wieselter Sexual Harassment
Allegations," reports that everyone knew that Leon Wieseltier was a pig, a
serial violator of women. Everyone allowed him to do the disgusting things he
did. The article said that Wieseltier's piggery was an "open secret."
They didn't just allow Wieseltier to abuse women. They elevated Wieseltier to
the status of a modern-day prophet. You can read the article here.
is a child of Holocaust survivors. People feel guilty and sad about the
Holocaust. People let Holocaust survivors' children get away with a lot of guff
and nonsense. I've witnessed this in real life.
think that that guilt helps fuel the Bieganski stereotype. I write about this
process in my book Bieganski.
Jews are popularly understood as victims. Polish Catholics are not popularly
understood as victims. When John Guzlowski was interviewed on the Leonard
Lopate Show, Lopate's first question for John was, paraphrase, "You write
poetry about your Polish Catholics parents' experience of being persecuted by
the Nazis. But the Nazis didn't persecute Polish Catholics, did they?"
ignorant people playing a weird psychological game say, "Jews are victims;
we must accord them virtue and not judge their excesses; Polish Catholics are
not victims; we must allow them no quarter."
course not everyone does this, and not everyone who does do this does this in
all circumstances. Too many people ready to sympathize with Jews and dehumanize
Poles in relation to the Holocaust or any aspect of Catholic history, are
perfectly willing to throw Jews under the bus when it comes to the mere
existence of the state of Israel. Muslims' status as symbols of suffering and
virtue trumps Jews' status for many liberals.
think that something similar happens in the US with African Americans. I think that's
part of the point of the play "Six Degrees of Separation." A black
con artist is able to fleece rich white liberals by pretending to be Sidney
Poitier's son. The liberals never expose this young man to the kind of basic
questions you would ask a white stranger who invades your home and pretends to
be a celebrity's son.
think it's possible that Wieseltier got away with being a pig, and not just a
pig but a holier-than-thou, Jews are too good to speak to Polish Catholics,
purveyor of the Bieganski stereotype at least partly because he is the son of
Holocaust survivors, and people paved his way with their own guilt and internal
psychological games. The game being, "If I am indulgent of the son of
Holocaust survivors, I am less guilty."
This is a good piece.
ReplyDeleteFor: 'Heaven knows enough people conflate German identity with mass murder'.
German identity is to dominate.
In Europe they want a fourth reich and all the collaborator nations from eighty years ago are their poodles again.
What is the evidence for this claim that German identity is to dominate and that Germany wants to build a fourth Reich? Are they building up their armed forces or undermining democracy by appointing right wing stooges to their highest courts or withdrawing minority rights? How come no-one has noticed but a few Poles? Not UK, nor France nor Italy or the Scandinavian countries?
ReplyDeleteI have no idea Peter. Germany seems a very democratic country to me these days. And also they are a competent and hard working people. So, frankly, IF they do want to run the whole of Europe - and I say IF - surely they would make a competent enough job of it. Always of course allowing that "it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step".
DeleteThere will be no perfect government over the earth until God's Kingdom comes. In the meantime, IF Germany does want to rule Europe, well, perhaps we should be grateful somebody wants to take the job on, and be as co-operative and helpful as we can.
If they have any sense though - and I think they have plenty - they won't and don't want to.
I wonder if the Dutch would like a go at running Europe? But i expect they have too much sense to take it on. Anyway, isn't it all a stopgap till God's Kingdom comes?